"Deload Week" - Was bedeutet das? BLOG, Training, BASICSEmanuel AbelFebruary 6, 2023CrossFit WiesbadenDeload week, Regeneration, Kraftaufbau, Training
How to Spot and Bail Training, BLOGEmanuel AbelOctober 12, 2022CrossFit WiesbadenSpotting, Bailing, Beginner, Backsquat, BenchpressComment
Handpflege im CrossFit Health, Training, Beginning of the JourneyEmanuel AbelSeptember 22, 2022CrossFit WiesbadenHandpflege, handcare, crossfit, Gymnastics, beauty, HornhautComment
How to pace yourself in CrossFit? TrainingEmanuel AbelDecember 8, 2021CrossFit Wiesbadencrossfit, pacing, crossfit deutschland, crossfit games, workout, amrap, metcon, sport, Weightlifting
Crossover Symmetry BLOG, TrainingEmanuel AbelJune 19, 2021CrossFit WiesbadenCrossFit Trainer, CrossFit Deutschland, Shoulder healthComment